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GVU Center Brown Bag: Daniel Epstein - Towards More Meaningful Personal Tracking

Personal tracking through digital technologies like pedometers, mood monitoring apps, and food journaling apps has great potential to help people begin to change their behaviors, understand their habits, connect with others and advocate for their healthcare. But in practice, they have largely failed to deliver on their promise of helping people derive value from their health and wellbeing data, with majorities abandoning tracking within weeks or even days. A core challenge is that people often view the act of tracking as a meaningless experience, finding that tracking technology prioritizes behavior change over opportunity to create other meaningful experiences through personal satisfaction, connection, and communication. In this talk, I discuss how my research group has approached understanding how to make personal tracking more meaningful, and design strategies that we think provide for more meaningful tracking experiences. I will touch on opportunities for meaningful tracking we are examining in personal, social, and clinical settings.
Speaker Bio:
Daniel Epstein is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine with a courtesy appointment in the Department of Computer Science. His work examines how personal tracking technology can acknowledge and account for the realities of everyday life, designing new technology and studying people's use of current technology. Daniel's work has been published in top HCI venues including CHI, Ubicomp, CSCW, and DIS, receiving multiple awards and nominations. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Washington in 2018. His work is supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and Snap Inc.
How to watch: If you can't attend. please watch the Live Stream, or view the Recording (available 30 days after event). If you have any questions, email us at gvu@cc.gatech.edu.
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School of Computational Science and Engineering
School of Interactive Computing
School of Cybersecurity and Privacy
Algorithms and Randomness Center (ARC)
Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U)
Center for Deliberate Innovation (CDI)
Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS)
Center for Research into Novel Computing Hierarchies (CRNCH)
Constellations Center for Equity in Computing
Institute for People and Technology (IPAT)
Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM)