International Study
Education Abroad Experience: An adventurous way to pursue your academic and professional goals while having the time of your life.
Become a global citizen as a part of your Georgia Tech experience! Whether you’re a graduate student interested in a dual-degree program in France, an undergraduate student hoping to spend a summer in Spain, or looking to gain work experience through an internship in Korea, the Office of International Programs at the College of Computing can help you find the best opportunity for your goals. Georgia Tech has many international options in just about every destination that captures the imagination.
For questions, contact Laura Wise Person, Office of International Programs at the College of Computing.
For specific questions about Georgia Tech - Shenzhen and its MSCS programs, contact Meng Sun, GT - Shenzhen Academic Program Coordinator at the College of Computing.
For specific questions about Georgia Tech - Europe and its undergraduate and MSCS programs, please contact Allie Snyder, the GT - Europe Educational Outreach Manager.
Undergraduate Students
As we expand boundaries of knowledge and technology, completing an international experience is crucial for you to remain competitive in the global job market. Before graduating, every student at Georgia Tech is encouraged to participate in one (or more) of the 40+ education abroad experiences.
During this time, you’ll learn valuable transactional competencies, such as:
- Cross-cultural communication skills
- Flexibility and resilience
- Analytical skills
- The ability to adapt to new circumstances
- A deep understanding of local customs and cultural contexts
There are several Faculty-Led Study Abroad (FLSA) and Exchange programs that are well-suited for Computing undergraduate students. These programs are designed specifically for CS/CM majors and/or typically offer computer science courses regularly as a part of their full course offerings. The programs include:
- Barcelona Summer Program (College of Computing)
- Berlin Summer Program (College of Computing)
- China Summer Program
- Oxford Summer Program
- Pacific Spring Program
- Georgia Tech-Europe (fall, spring, summer semesters)
- Georgia Tech-Shenzhen (fall, spring, summer semesters, for BS/MS CS students)
- IT University of Copenhagen Exchange (fall or year-long)
You can browse all study abroad or exchange opportunities through Atlas, Georgia Tech’s online application portal for education abroad programs. Narrow your search by parameters including location, program type, duration, major, etc.
Interested in the College of Computing’s study abroad programs?
Designed with Computing students in mind, but open to all majors, these College of Computing-sponsored programs are a fantastic way to spend your summer while earning credits towards your CS or CM degree!
Learn more about the Barcelona Summer Program here.
Learn more about the Berlin Summer Program here.
Graduate Students
Today, rapidly expanding boundaries of knowledge and technology have brought the world closer than ever before. Employers know that students who have successfully completed an education-abroad program attain international market knowledge and other valuable transnational competencies, such as:
• Cross-cultural communication skills
• Flexibility and resilience
• Analytical skills
• The ability to adapt to new circumstances
• A deep understanding of local customs and cultural contexts
The College of Computing provides our graduate students with the opportunity to study abroad and earn two Master's degrees -- one from Georgia Tech and one from a partner European university.
Georgia Tech - Europe
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech-Europe, Georgia Tech's campus in Metz. France. Spend one semester on the Europe campus, or split your time between the Europe, Shenzhen and Atlanta campuses - the choice is yours. There is also an option to complete a dual-degree program from one of GTE’s top-tier partner institutions in Europe and North Africa.
Georgia Tech - Shenzhen
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech - Shenzhen, Georgia Tech’s Chinese campus in Shenzhen, China. Or, pursue your one-semester study at GT-Shenzhen. Situated next to Hong Kong, Shenzhen has the highest GDP per capita among large- and medium-sized cities in mainland China. Multinational companies that have a presence in Shenzhen include Apple, Cisco Systems, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Phillips, PMC-Sierra, Samsung, Schneider Electric, Siemens, TI, UPS, etc.