


Computing education benefits and augments any field or educational path, even if computer science is not your major.
The College of Computing offers nine different computing minors for students in other disciplines who want to add some serious computational chops to their degrees and resumes. These programs provide a solid foundation for integrating computing principles and advancements within a vast array of career options.
The College of Computing offers nine different computing minors for students in other disciplines who want to add some serious computational chops to their degrees and resumes. These programs provide a solid foundation for integrating computing principles and advancements within a vast array of career options.
Explore the minors offered by the College of Computing:
Interested in learning more?
Students interested in pursuing a minor may view the minor information session video and sign up for a Live Q&A session led by the CS minor advisors. At these sessions, students may obtain the necessary instructions on how to apply, as well as learn more about the minor requirements and registration.
Click Here to View Information Session, Q&A Session Registration and CS Minor Application
Ashley McDowell Last names A-L
Ishmela Lyons-Uko Last names M-Z