Professor and Chair of Interactive Computing
Research Areas:
Feminist HCI, critical and humanistic computing, sustainability and environmental justice, women's health, and design research
Shaowen Bardzell is Chair and Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology's School of Interactive Computing.
Bardzell holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Indiana University and pursues a humanistic research agenda within the research and practice of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). A common thread throughout her work is the exploration of the contributions of feminism, design, and social science to support technology’s role in social change. Recent research topics include care ethics and feminist utopian perspectives on IT, research through design, women’s health, posthumanist approaches to sustainable design, computational agriculture and food justice, and cultural and creative industries in Asia. Her work is supported by the National Science Foundation, Intel Corporation, and the Mellon Foundation, among others.
She is the co-editor of Critical Theory and Interaction Design (MIT Press, 2018) and co-author of Humanistic HCI (Morgan & Claypool, 2015).